Local Family is Ecstatic About Son’s Miraculous Improvements
Nicky faces many obstacles throughout his 4 years of life thus far. He is a twin and twins are typically developmentally delayed a little bit. On top of that challenge, Nicky also faces physical problems including epilepsy, kidney issues, GI tract issues, and more. This doesn’t hold Nicky back from smiling, laughing, and being the best brother to his two sisters.
With these obstacles in mind, Nicky’s parents are faced with the challenge of choosing an early childhood education center that focused on both his academic and social needs. Only a short look away, they found a comforting home at YWCA Tri-County Area (YW3CA) for Nicky and his sister Alexis.
Nicky began attending the Early Education Center (EEC) in January, soon after the Royersford Center opened. That month he had his normal round of doctor’s appointments. However, he was also scheduled to see a new neurologist. “His neurologist said she had some concerns [about Nicky] that honestly really scared me and my wife,” Nick Perich, Nicky’s father explains.
The doctor’s explanation had Nick and his wife very concerned. Every parent wants their child to succeed and grow despite whatever developmental challenges might be present. Over just a few months, Nicky did just that at YW3CA’s EEC.
In just a few months Nicky and twin Alexis, improved by 1000%.
“We took him to the same doctor, months later, and she was shocked about how much he had improved. She claimed his improvements were miraculous,” Nick exclaims with a gleaming smile. Nicky’s abilities have improved in every aspect of his life. His ability to say ‘hi’ and meet new people is something he was never able to do before he began at the YW3CA’s EEC.
Nick continues, “verbally he’s been able to express himself like he hadn’t been able to do for the first part of his life. He takes home what he learns. He’s able to put together words he’s learned throughout the program and communicate at home so much better.”
A child’s abilities to become social creatures is so crucial to their overall development.
YW3CA takes pride in their trained teachers who use a curriculum that helps each and every child grow academically and socially, and Nicky is no exception to this priority.